Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ride Against AIDS Reaches the East Coast

On the Road

We are officially on the East Coast! Yesterday we crossed the Kentucky border and entered into Virginia. The riding has been very tough. Who knew the Appalachians would pose such a challenge? While the elevation doesn't rival that of the Rockies, the grades are much, much steeper and really take it out of your legs.

This photo was taken after the "Leaving Kentucky" sign and before the "Welcome to Virginia" sign. We call it the black line. You know, like state boundaries on a map.

Yesterday we stayed at a local hostel in Damascus, VA. One of the local churches had a place set up where hikers (Appalachian Trail) and cyclists could spend the night on their way through Virginia. We met some cool people and had a great time swapping stories ("What made you decide to bike across the country, you're nuts!" "Are you kidding me? You're walking it!").

We went to bed under the impression that we had only 87 miles to ride today. Upon reviewing the map this morning, however, we realized how off we were. We ended up doing 106 and climbing about 5,000 feet in the process. Surprisingly, I felt a lot better today than yesterday, but by the end my legs were wiped. Virginia is beautiful, though, and I really, really enjoy biking through the countryside.

Some of the beautiful Virginia countryside.

Tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day for us, but we've decided to push on. Our Couch Surfers feel through here so we don't have a place to stay (Mr. Evans put us up at last minute in a hotel...thanks!). Over the next couple of days we bike to Lexington, Charlottesville, and Richmond before turning north. We'll take the off day in Richmond so we can check out some of the Civil War stuff there.

Fact of the Day

60% of tuberculosis patients in South Africa are HIV-positive. It's easy to focus on one aspect of health care. But if you treat someone for AIDS while TB or malaria kills them, you are sort of missing the big picture. That's why we believe in comprehensive health care. If you need food, you get food. If you need shelter, you get shelter. If you need mosquito nets, you get mosquito nets. Partners in Health, the money who receives the funds we raise, also believes this and provide free, comprehensive health care for people living in developing countries. Check out what they do at www.pih.org

Trivia Contest

Answer to Sunday's question: The four commonwealths are Massachusetts, Kentucky, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. 12 more points to Mrs. Evans! I'm going to suspend the daily rankings until someone challenges our leader's supremacy.

Today's Trivia Question: What is the tallest Appalachian Mountain (10 points)

1 comment:

  1. internet says, "Mt Mitchell in North Carolina is the tallest Appalachian Mountain at 6,684 ft".

    I sure hope this is right since I've been slipping in the polls!
